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Automatic Cutting System Upgrade

A project integrating existing systems, interfacing with differences between them, creative thinking, and automatic dampers for air routing.

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The Problem

A system for cutting plates, purchased in Germany but no longer manufactured, began to "create" many faults and to damage the production line capacity.

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The Need

Designing a new cutting system, based on the same cutting concept, is based on components that have a single replacement option for a component and, if necessary, to manufacture an adapter for the same component due to the manufacturer’s modifications.

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Project Requirements

Improving the system and planning new components, the interfacing the existing machine and the ability to work with the old concept of cutting arrays.

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Activity Modes

Studying the existing cutting system, modeling the interface component, finding off-the-shelf components with the same working principle, the manufacturer's shelf life for future component production. System planning and manufacturing.

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A project integrating existing systems interfacing with differences between them, creativity, electronic and pneumatic components.

 Automatic Cutting System Upgrade
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